
Monday, 28 May 2012

Vienna (part two)

A footnote to my post last Friday about the relevance (or lack thereof) of the budget.  Stuff ran a poll, it's still going, and there was a post over at The Standard on it.
The question was "Will you come out better off from this budget?" and the options were "Yes", "No" and "No, but it will be good for the economy."
Matthew Whitehead, who runs the Le Matte Juste* blog, described the first and last choices as:
...the “yes” and the “I hate myself” options...
which is a very good summary.

Incidentally, less than 5% of the respondents thought they would be better off, last time I checked.  Even given the inherently unscientific basis of the poll, that's a pretty resounding thumbs down for the budget.

*Le Matte Juste and Every Tiny Straw share a birthday.  I wish there were more regular posts at LMJ as Matthew Whitehead has a unique and interesting insight into New Zealand politics.

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